Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Sorry Day" in Australia

Hello everyone. Hoping this finds you all very well and happy.

An extremely historic event took place in Australia today, as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on behalf of the Australian government, gave a moving speech, apologizing to the Aboriginal peoples of Australia for all of the wrong-doings that have been done to them throughout history. In particular, the Stolen Generation was acknowledged, and forward-thinking goals were introduced. I feel that it was an honor to be in this country as this event took place.

Continuing on within the topic of politics - the news here is very thorough in keeping us up-to-date with US politics. We are keeping up with the presidential election and all of the news about the mortgage crisis, recession, etc. I must write that I am continually impressed by Australians' knowledge of US politics and government. On numerous occasions since our arrival (nearly 6 months ago already!) I have been involved in passionate discussions about the politics and policies of the United States. There honestly seems to be more interest in US politics held by Australians than by United States citizens themselves. This has been a very sobering fact to recognize and think seriously upon. Another interesting fact, and one which I believe should be imposed upon US voters: all eligible voters in Australia must vote; if they do not vote, they are fined.

Well, now that I've lightened my conscious of those topics, on to what Andy and I have been up to. Since my parents left on Feb. 1, things have been pretty quiet around our apartment and there is not a whole lot to report. We have had a couple of very chill weekends of mostly staying home. I've started working 2 days/week at a small, family-owned fruit & veggie shop at the end of our block. Having overcome my initial personal feelings of 'loser' for this being the only work that I can apparently secure in Melbourne, I am really loving the experience. The pros far outweigh the single 'loser' con. Pros: 1) it takes me about 3 minutes to walk to work, 2) there is very little, if any, stress in working there, 3) the owners of the shop are 2 young brothers, both with young families that I have already met, and they are all very sweet people to spend time amongst, 4) I get produce at 1/2 price, 5) the customers that frequent this sort of small, neighborhood shop are very friendly, and my days working there are filled with numerous pleasant interactions. A wise friend wrote me recently in response to my lament about the whole 'loser' feelings: "I think your job sounds great for where you are at in this phase of your life. Sometimes our jobs play a huge role in our lives and other times our jobs are simply jobs so we can enjoy the other sweet things in our lives." Very well stated, and very taken to heart. I love my new job. I am still officially employed with the substitute teacher agency as well, but as the new school year started just 3 weeks ago, I have had no substitute calls yet.
Andy's job continues to go well. I dislike writing on his behalf, so I guess if there's anything he wants to share, he'll have to do just that.

The weather has been on-and-off rainy and cool, which is a bit early for autumn here already. It is forecasted to be a spectacular weekend, so we are planning on renting a car to get out of town and go exploring and camping this weekend. That's really about it from us here in Melbourne.

Depending upon your own personal preference, either "Cheers!" or "Boo!" to Valentine's Day. Either way, don't forget to hug the ones you love and tell them so.

Love, Christy


Anonymous said...

I am the first one to leave a comment, I am so special....LOL

Sounds like things are going great for you CB. Camille, Toby and I had a great valentines day, we went to Red Lobster for dinner. I got Camille a pretty vase of roses and daises, she loves daisies.

Give a hug to Sweany for me.

Steve Faust said...

You're no loser! Some days, I would love to be doing what you are, believe me!

Glad to hear things are chill, but good.

We miss you!