2 very cool events happened to me today:
1 - Andy and I received a surprise package in the mail from Marnie, which held 2 new Portland Underdog t-shirts for us, and a peacock bookmark for me. For those of you wondering, "What the heck is Portland Underdog?" - it is our Portland-based bowling team league. What an awesome surprise! Thanks, Marnie!!
2 - While I was at work at the shop, I ended up chatting with a gentleman whose son I went to elementary school with in Sioux City, Iowa! I overheard him talking on his mobile about how he had just gotten off a flight from the midwest of the US, so while I was ringing up his purchases I asked where in the midwest he had been. His first response was, "Oh, you wouldn't know it. A state called Iowa." And I replied, "I'm from Iowa. I'm from Sioux City." To which he totally started freaking out and said, "That's where I was! My son lives there." And then he introduced himself, and his last name was Galinsky (not the sort of last name easily forgotten). To which I said, "You don't happen to know someone named Chris Galinsky do you?" Now he totally freaked out and said, "That's my son!" And I told him I knew Chris from elementary school so long ago. Anyway, it went on from there, but what a random event, huh?
Hope you are all well -
Love, Christy
Yea!! That got there fast!!!
Lots of love,
Jimmy, Jimmy, Chittttttwoooooddddd!
Rise up and RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it as strange that you told my dad the wrong maiden name and I was forced to google you? or more impressive that I find a post talking about me? or that I remember you had a leap year birthday? and in like second grade you were my valintine?
crazy world we live in!
Take care
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