I wanted to mention that we had our first Hot Cross Buns experience down here this Easter season. I don't recall ever really seeing a hot cross bun in the US before, but they are big down here, in Melbourne at least. So I've recently had that little ditty stuck in my head for about a week, but all I knew of it was, "Hot cross buns, hot cross buns; one a penny, two a penny; hot cross buns." Here's the original and alternative versions according to Wikipedia:
(The "ha'" is pronounced "hay", and refers to a half penny coin no longer in currency.)
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
one ha' penny,
two ha' penny,
hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons,
one ha' penny,
two ha' penny,
Hot Cross Buns
Alternative lyrics are:
Hot cross buns,
One a penny buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
Fresh, sweet buns,
Come and buy my buns,
One a penny,
Two a penny,
Fresh, sweet buns.
Nice, light buns,
Buy my currant buns,
Come and try them,
Then you'll buy them,
Nice, light buns.
Hot, sweet buns,
Good for everyone,
All your daughters,
All your sons,
All love buns.
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
Everybody loves hot cross buns.
I much prefer the alternative lyrics - way more catchy and interesting, and I dare say suggestive? he he
Since it was our first hot cross buns experience, we splurged and bought 2 high-end bakery buns, rather than the cheapie Safeway bag-o-8 buns. I thought they were delicious, but Andy wasn't a big fan since they were chock-full of raisins.
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Love, Christy
I love hot cross buns! We used to have them every once in a while when I was a kid. I always was a sucker for sweet pastries.
I did not love hot cross buns. We had them every Easter, and maybe it was just the way my Grandma made them - but they always tasted a bit like black licorice. She does love the flavoring of anise though, so maybe it was just her. : ) Fun post!!
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