Hi boys and girls,
Christy and I went with our friends Huw and Amber to a taping of the show RocKwiz last night, and it was about the funnest thing I've ever done (and I have a lot of fun). For those not familiar with the show, RocKwiz "is a music trivia quiz show that will rock your socks off. It's an entertaining mix of music, quiz, chat, musical guests and contestants drawn from the live audience, who play off for nothing more than the honour of winning!"
RocKwiz is easily my favorite Aussie tv show, and I've hoped to join the live audience ever since I learned it is taped here in our fair city. It's shot at a place called the Esplanade Hotel in St. Kilda, the nice beach suburb. The 'Esky' as its known is a historic venue, having opened in 1878. It was a small miracle we even got tickets; although they don't cost anything, they are definitely in high demand, so when I got the e-mail about getting tickets, I crossed my fingers and sent in my request. Much to my surprise, not only did I get tickets but I scored us seats at one of only 12 tables (all the other poor suckers are standing room only, and it was super packed and about 100 degrees, so we were ultra grateful to have been so lucky). And there's one other huge benefit to having a table seat: a shot to be one of the contestants.

Being rather scruffy these day, I was told that I looked like our table's best chance to pass the first preliminary round of questions. Suddenly, before I know it, I find myself on stage (unfortunately we didn't have our real camera, only our phones - I'm on the right, just to the left of camera base)!
Well, as you probably guess by the title of this post, I didn't make the cut, but man, it was still a riot - buzzing in, answer questions, the works! Ironically, the answer to the first question I nailed was Lionel Richie, and Christy was absolutely kicking herself that she wasn't wearing her new 'all night long' Lionel t-shirt! I think I got one or two more right and definitely a few wrong. I'm almost scared at thinking how much ribbing I would have gotten as a yankee on this show (after one of my answers the host made a comment about my 'interesting accent').
Anyways, it was a really great night - below are some more pics, a video shot by us from the crowd, a link to an episode of the actual show (the one taped last night won't be on for a few weeks). At the very least, make sure and watch the first 5 minutes or so - it rocks!

Watch an episode of RocKwiz online - special guests this week are country music sensation Catherine Britt and soul music legend Max Merritt. : http://player.sbs.com.au/programs#/programs_08/fullepisodes/latestepisodes/playlist/Rockwiz-Ep-71-Max-Merritt-and-Catherine-Britt-Full-Ep/"